Just the Two of Us

Just the Two of Us
Just the Two of Us

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Empty Nest

Casey's Graduation from Ft. Benning
2nd Lt. Kyle Staron

We are officially "Empty Nesters".  It seems hard to believe that our two little boys are all grown up and are officially starting their own lives.  Kyle has graduated from West Point and is now starting his first post at Ft Hood Texas.  Casey graduated from Ft Benning and is begining his first post at Ft Lewis Washington.  Some of us think that holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.   Our lives use to revolve around diapers, meals and sleep. The baby disappears and we found a toddlers in their place. We realize that our job is to prepare them to go out into the world without us to hold their little hands.  Then it's off to Kindergarten, Middle School, scouts and campouts and then on to High School.  The days flew by so quickly.  We knew the day would come...college and West Point!  And now our little boys are serving in the United States Army.  They no longer need us to hold their little hands.  They are smart, strong and focused.  They are everything we dreamt them to be and prayed for them to be and so much more. Somehow over the last 24 years we have raised two fine sons. Their future we leave to God and the United States Army. Kyle and Casey, we are bursting with pride!  And as happy as we are for them both, our hearts are still aching for their little hands in ours. May God go with you always! Now as for us, we have to figure out how to fill our time! 

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