Just the Two of Us

Just the Two of Us
Just the Two of Us

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The West Point Parent Has Beens

Tacky Gift Christmas at Bravos

The Pope Room at Bucas

The Willow Tree

The Willow Tree

Turkey Basters at BJs

It is hard to believe that in June will be our 8th year in Florida!  I wish I could say that it feels like yesterday but it feels like forever! I have had my share of ups and downs here in Florida and everyone knows by now that if I get the chance to leave.....I am out of here!  When Kyle was accepted to West Point, we were introduced to the West Point Parents Club of Central Florida.  We met some amazing people! We all went through the West Point experience together.  Our group has graduated from West Point and has moved on to Army life!  But our group chose to stay together and NOW we are known as "The West Point Parent Has Beens".  Our group consist of about 18.  We get together for dinner and other fun things.  More importantly we are just there for each other.  Some of our friends have watched as their sons have deployed.  We have seen their tears and listened to their fears.  We hold back tears because we know it's only a matter of time until our sons get the call.  Of course we are bursting with pride because we are so very proud of each one of them for choosing to serve our country!  But it will never be easy to let them go!  We will pray many, many prayers for their safety and comfort for their families.  We spend a lot of time together laughing and sharing "cadet and soldier stories".  I have truly come to love these people and they are becoming "my family".  I don't really think they know what a blessing they have been to my life and that they have made my life in Florida worth being here!  So to Jim, Vickie, Phil, Kathy, Ed, Joni, Mike, Vernon, Ed, Denise, Darlene, Jim, Gladys, Wil, Nancy, Jim, thank you for letting me travel with you on this West Point/Army journey!

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